

is a Hebrew name that is given to a well in Genesis 26:22. It means: a place of flourishing. Just as the people cherished this well that was given to them by God, we cherish our place that God has given us in the City of Hamilton. From here, we worship God and serve our neighbours.


points to our desire to unify ourselves with like-minded believers and to work together to bring glory to God.


has its origin in the 16th Century Reformation, at which time the Church was reformed by a returning to the Bible as the rule for all of life. We seek also to be continually reforming, that is, continually turning and returning to God’s Word to direct our lives.


means “the called out ones.” It is those who are called together in new spiritual life in Jesus out of their old spiritual darkness. God has called the Church to be the pillar and ground of the truth. It has existed since the beginning of the world, and will be until its end, since it is God Himself Who calls His people out, gathering them, protecting them, and preserving them.


Our church holds to the historic creeds and confessions which summarize the message of the Bible: that we are saved through Jesus Christ and we need to live in thankfulness before him. This is the message we live by and this is the message we want to share with others.

Creeds Three Forms of Unity
The Apostles Creed The Heidelberg Catechism
The Nicene Creed The Belgic Confession
The Athanasian Creed The Canons of Dort


God has given to the church men with gifts of service and leadership. The Bible describes the three offices: minister (pastor), elder, and deacon. Elders and deacons at Rehoboth serve for a three year term. The pastor serves until the Lord calls him to another field of service. These offices also function as a means of equipping the saints for works of service.


Deacons have the opportunity to serve in the name of Jesus Christ. With a focus on the physical needs of the congregation, the deacons give spiritual support and encouragement. They gather and manage offerings and they give to those who are needy. Their work is to be saturated with prayer. They also meet monthly to discuss the needs within and outside of the church.


Elders serve as shepherds in the congregation. They are each given a section of the congregation (district) to care for. They are called to give spiritual guidance, correction, encouragement, and support. It is also their task to oversee the work of the pastor. The elders meet monthly with the pastor and are collectively called the consistory. The consistory is the governing body of the church under the chief shepherd Jesus Christ. Their work is to be saturated with prayer.


The pastor serves on a full-time basis in the life of the congregation. His calling is to pray, teach, preach, lead worship, and shepherd the people of God. Since he leads worship each week, he is a very visible leader in the local church. He serves the local congregation until God calls him to another field of service. His work is to be saturated with prayer.


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